Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Treatment and decisions

I finished the Temodar (chemo) treatment Friday. That stuff is nasty, that is it made me feel really bad.

I feel a lot better since I have been off of it.

I went to see a different Oncologist on Friday to get a different opinion. He did have a different opinion. I do believe that I will switch to this Oncologist for my care in the future. He has a different opinion on my prognosis.

I spent yesterday seeing eye doctors. After talking to them I have concluded that enucleation of my eye is the thing to do. Today, I told them to get it scheduled. I will be going to OSU, probably next Thursday to have the procedure.

Wish me luck on my continuing journey.

1 comment:

cshorkey said...

Ted, good to hear from you. I missed seeing you last week : (

In my opinion, OSU is a great place to be. You'll be in the best of hands.

Thanks for the update. We are all thinking about you.

Take care,